Home office lighting tips for better mood and productivity
Home office lighting tips

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Home office lighting tips for better mood and productivity

As more and more people begin to work from home, many are realizing their home office lighting is not adequate for their needs. 

Beyond simply struggling to see what you’re working on, poor lighting in the workplace can take a toll on both your physical and mental health

If you don’t have the proper fixtures or bulbs in your home office, you could suffer constant eye strain and headaches. You may also feel fatigued more often and experience an increase in your overall stress and anxiety.

So, here’s our recommendation as electricians on how to properly illuminate your workspace.

Designing your home office lighting depends on tasks

Before you begin adding light to your office, you need to consider what tasks you will be performing and where. 

This matters because you always have to consider where the light is coming from. 

You do not want a light source coming in behind you if you work on a computer all day because it will undoubtedly create a glare on your screens.

Also, for any desk lamps or other task lights you will want to think about where most of your attention will be focused. Then place a light source in that area and concentrate the light in the task area.

However, check where the shadows will land and decide if they will be a nuisance to you. 

Don’t let overhead lighting be your only source of light

While you may need a type of overhead light to fill the room with light, don’t let it be your only source of light.

Focus-intensive tasks can’t be well-lit by one light. A lack of indirect or task lighting is a leading cause for work-related eye strain at the office. 

Of course, a desk lamp of some sort would make for perfect task light. 

Ambient lighting helps offset harsher light coming from overhead or task lighting. 

Ideally, you can have a local electrician come in and install your setup with a dimmer switch and proper bulbs. This gives you the ability to adjust the levels according to the time of day and your energy levels. 

Speaking of bulbs…

Pick the correct light bulbs for your home office

The color temperature of the bulbs in your light fixtures impact your mood

Obviously, you want to be alert, focused, and productive in your home office. So, a color temperature above 3,500 Kelvin is recommended. 

Our electricians like using LED lighting in the office because of their energy efficiency, long life, and shows true colors better than any other type of bulb.   

Before you go swapping bulbs from your existing fixtures, make sure that the fixture is not enclosed or air-tight. If they are, your LED bulbs will burn out much faster. 

Our electricians can design your home office lighting in the Springfield area!

Does your home office need a lighting upgrade? 

Our electricians in Springfield are licensed to work throughout the state of Missouri. So, give us a call or fill out the form below and let us know what kind of project you have in mind!

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